👁️ Overview of new features

  1. Exciting new major features
    1. Know when someone opens any link in your message
    2. Create multiple teams
  2. Productivity boosting enhancements
    1. Bot Studio: Better partial keyword matching
    2. Reply to conversations faster on the web
    3. Send audio messages in iOS
    4. Bot Studio: Capture template or interactive button response for dynamic use
  3. Bug fixes
  4. Archives

🆕🤔 What’s new?

🔗 💬 Know when someone opens any link in your message!

Introducing a long-awaited feature that transforms your messaging experience from start to finish: Click analytics of links in your template messages! You can now

  1. Enable link analytics while creating templates: Once you type or paste a link in the template body or the template button, you can enable analytics for the link. This even works with multiple links in a template! We have empowered you with fine-grained control, allowing you to selectively choose which links demand click analytics and which ones operate seamlessly without it.
  2. Broadcast message analytics: Elevate your outreach game! Once messages are sent, revel in the ability to track links clicked in broadcasted chats, gaining deeper insights into customer engagement. You can view the link analytics just like how you view button analytics. You can view, export, and analyse click data for all your customers effortlessly

Checkout this video for an end-to-end demo of how you can setup and view the click analytics

Video demonstration of how to create a template with link analytics enabled and where to view the analytics

Video demonstration of how to create a template with link analytics enabled and where to view the analytics

🔗 💬 Multiple teams! Now you can create multiple teams in DoubleTick

Exciting news for large teams! Introducing the power to shape your organisation's reporting hierarchy seamlessly. With our new feature, you can either designate existing team mates or invite new people as reporting managers, fostering a structured communication flow. You can even set multiple reporting managers for nuanced supervision.

Each reporting manager can access the chats of their assigned team members only, enabling a greater control of team-level privacy. Empower your teams with a robust reporting structure that streamlines communication and enhances collaboration!
