👁️ Overview of new features

  1. Exciting New Major Features

    1. WhatsApp account summary is now available in DoubleTick
    2. Improved integration with Shopify
  2. Productivity boosting enhancements

    1. Unresolved chat filter
    2. Counts in chat notes
    3. Download documents uploaded to templates
    4. Block or unblock customers on your mobile
    5. Get help option on web
    6. Quick replies are available on iOS
  3. Bug fixes

  4. Archives

🆕🤔 What’s new?

💬 📊 WhatsApp account summary is now available directly in DoubleTick!

With our latest update, viewing your WhatsApp account summary in DoubleTick’s dashboard is effortless. You can quickly assess your account quality, number of conversations left for the day and messaging limits without logging in to your Facebook business manager!

Moreover, you can access learning resources tailored to improving your account quality and increasing your messaging limit. In the unfortunate event of quality issues with your WhatsApp account, you will receive instant guidance right from your dashboard to rectify the issue.

If you have multiple WABA’s in your DoubleTick org, then you can view a summary of all of these accounts by selecting your desired account

Screenshot with multiple WABA selection at the top

Screenshot with multiple WABA selection at the top

🛒 🛠️ Improved Shopify integration

We're thrilled to announce enhancements to our existing integration with Shopify, showcasing our commitment to listening to your needs!

With this update, you can now trigger order confirmation templates even for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders, ensuring a consistent customer experience across all transactions.

Additionally, we've introduced the ability to map order notes added on shopify to variables for a WhatsApp template, so that you can send more relevant and engaging messages to your customers! We’ve also fixed some bugs and in particular one bug that prevented you from mapping the last variable in your template to any listed shopify variable

We're pleased to announce that with this update, you now have the ability to fully leverage our Shopify integration. We're keen to hear your thoughts and feedback on this or any other integration. Click here if you’d like to request an integration with any other system